Why Should I Meditate?

The word meditation can conjure up images of yogis in dreadlocks sitting on mountain tops in contorted postures with eyes half open chanting some mantras.

True! But not limited to it.

The common assumption that meditation is hard and not easily attainable often drives people away from a potential gold mine of health. Let’s face it, all of us in today's world are looking for quick fixes. Something that requires sitting just with ourselves for at least about thirty minutes? Um... too time consuming.

However, is it really true that we have to sit to meditate for at least thirty minutes ?

Meditation is a practice of single pointed focus.

It involves the practice of deliberately bringing attention to an object, a sound, our breathing, or a movement and purposefully continuing to stay focused and alert on that object of focus.

There are several easy ways to meditate.

Start by doing it just for 5 minutes at a time.

You can be standing when you do it as long as you are sure you are not going to fall off somewhere!

You can do this single pointed focus in the shower! Just focus on the in breath and the out breath to help you begin!

You can do it walking. Slow easy steps and just focus on each step..just say "lift, move, place and shift" with each step you take. Your focus shifts to just thinking about lifting your foot, then into moving and so on. You have slowed your thoughts down!

And of course, you can sit to meditate! And do it for thirty or more minutes!

Meditation makes us focus on one task at a time even if it is for five minutes to begin with…

This naturally slows down the thoughts…

Which makes the breathing deeper and calmer…

Which gets more oxygen into our body and be used efficiently…

Which relaxes the muscles…

Voila! More alkalinity which helps improve our various bodily functions!

Just by single pointed focus we have changed our whole internal environment into a healthier and stronger place! We’re warding off both internal and external pollutants. It’s ACTUALLY that simple.

Worth thinking about? I think so.

P.S. Health is Wealth! Without health there is no wealth because you will be too busy paying medical bills. Good health = more money to spare!


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